Full Time | |
Duration | 01 Year |
Class | 1 Hrs. Daily |
Days | Mon-Sat |
MODULE 1 – M.I.S (Management Information System)
Getting Started with Word
- Navigate in Microsoft Word
- Create and Save Word Documents
- Manage Your Workspace
- Edit Documents
- Preview and Print Documents
- Customize the Word Environment
Formatting Text and Paragraphs
- Apply Character Formatting
- Control Paragraph Layout
- Align Text Using Tabs
- Display Text in Bulleted or Numbered Lists
- Apply Borders and Shading
Working More Efficiently
- Make Repetitive Edits
- Apply Repetitive Formatting
- Use Styles to Streamline Repetitive Formatting Tasks
Managing Lists
- Sort a List
- Format a List
Adding Tables
- Insert a Table
- Modify a Table
- Format a Table
- Convert Text to a Table
Inserting Graphic Objects
- Insert Symbols and Special Characters
- Add Images to a Document
Controlling Page Appearance
- Apply a Page Border and Color
- Add Headers and Footers
- Control Page Layout
- Add a Watermark
- Learn to set the page orientation as portrait or landscape.
- Learn to set the print size of the paper.
- Learn to split your text into multiple columns.
- Learn to add page breaks.
- Learn to add section breaks.
Advanced Mail Merge
- Beginning a Mail Merge
- Using Excel for Mail Merge Data
- Previewing Merge Letters
- Selective Merge Records
- Filtering
- IF Then Else Fields
- Include Text Fields
- Mail Merge to Email
Preparing to Publish a Document
- Check Spelling, Grammar, and Readability
- Use Research Tools
- Check Accessibility
- Save a Document to Other Formats
- The Macro Recorder
- Recording Macros
- Testing Macros
- Running Macros
Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts
Creating Presentation
- Blank & Sample Templates
- Adding Text
- Bullet & Numbered Lists
Adding Graphics
- Capture Images & Insert Pictures
- Photo Album
- Drawing Shapes
- Advanced Shapes
- Merge Shapes
- WordArt
- SmartArt Graphics
Modify Objects
- Crop, Resize & Style Objects
- Formatting Objects
- Grouping Objects
- Object Ordering & Layering
- Gridlines & Guides
- Insert & Formatting Tables
- Insert Table from Word
- Manipulating PowerPoint Tables
- Inserting a Word Table
- Inserting an Excel Spreadsheet
- Adjusting Rows, Columns, Cells
- Table Styles and Borders
Create & Modify Charts
- Inserting a Chart
- Working with Datasheets
- Applying a Chart Type, Style and Layout
- Displaying Chart Analysis
- Picture Charts
- Formatting Chart Background
Templates, Themes & Layouts
- Creating a Custom Layout
- Applying a Theme
- Applying a Background Style
- Saving a Custom Theme
- Arranging and Printing Section
Custom Design Templates
- Slide Master
- Background Graphics
- Custom Slide Layouts
- Advanced Custom Themes
- Add Headers & Footers
- Modify Notes Master
- Edit Handout Master
- Create Custom Template
Editing Slide Masters
- Slide Master, Title Master
- Formatting the Masters
- Adding Header and Footer Information
- Notes and Handout Masters
Animations and Transitions
- Animation Schemes
- Animating Text and Objects
- Custom Animations and timing
- Inserting Sounds and Video
- Editing Media Clips
Setting Up the Slide Show
- Setting Automatic Slide Timings
- Setting Up a Continuous Loop
- Hiding a Slide
- Rehearsing Slide Transition Timings
Custom Shows & Interlinked Shows
- Creating a Custom Show
- Setting Up a Custom Show as the Default
- Creating a Hyperlink
- Using a Hyperlink
- Using an Action Buttons
- Jumping to Another Presentation
Packaging Presentations
- Embedding the Fonts in a Presentation
- Using the PowerPoint Viewer
- Formatting a Presentation for the Web
- Inspecting the Document
- Annotating a Presentation
- Sending in PDF Format
Using SmartArt
- Inserting a SmartArt Object
- Formatting a SmartArt Object Color
- Resizing/Repositioning a SmartArt Object
- Inserting Text into a SmartArt Object
- Formatting Text Within a SmartArt Object
- Adding Shapes to a SmartArt Object
- Grouping SmartArt Objects
Inserting a Photo Album
- Inserting Pictures from a File
- Adding Captions
- Applying a Theme to your Album
- Customizing the Album Layout
Special Effects
- Insert, Trim, Fade & Bookmark Audio
- Insert, Trim, Fade & Bookmark Videos
- Advanced Animation
- Motion Paths
Customizing Presentation
- Custom Slide Shows
- Setup Slide Show & Presenter View
- Secure PowerPoint Show
- Hyperlinks
- Action Buttons & Link Actions
- Annotate
- Record Narration
- Rehearse Timings
- Merge & Compare
- Insert Comments
- Slide Library
- OneDrive & Coauthoring
Secure & Distribute
- Present Online
- Create Video Files
- Package Presentation
- Publish to PDF or XPS
- Document Properties
- Document Inspector
- Password Protect
- Digital Signature
- Mark as Final
- Screen Recording
- Closed Caption
- Equations & Ink
Mathematical & Statical Functionโs
- Sum
- Product
- Average
- Ceiling
- Floor
- Round
- Round Up
- Round Down
- Power
- Count
- Counta
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Mode
- Median
- Log
- Dollar
- Average A
- Mina
- Maxa
- Large
- Sqrt
- Mod
- Roman
- Rank
- Rank Average
- Rand
- Rand Between
Logical Function
- If
- Nested if
- SumIf
- Sumifs
- Averageif
- Averageifs
- Countif
- Countifs
- Or
- Not
- And
- If error
- If Function & Nested If Statements And & Or Functions
- Maxifs
- Minifs
Text Functionโs
- Upper
- Lower
- Left
- Right
- Exact
- Len
- Mid
- Concatenate
- Proper
- Trim
- Substitute
- Search
- Find
Date & Time Functionโs
- Days360
- Date
- Network days
- Now
- Today
- Weekday
- Effect
- Eomonth
- Edate
- Workdays
- Datedif
Lookup &Reference Functionโs
- Index
- Match
- Lookup
- Choose
- Offset
- Offset with Match
- Xlookup
- Transpose
- Hlookup For Single Worksheet
- Vlookup For Single Worksheet
- Hlookup & Vlookup For Multiple Sheet
- Match and Find Record by Vlookup And Hlookup
- Approximate Match with Vlookup
- Exact Match with Vlookup
- Nesting Lookup Function
- Show Formula
- Choose Function with Vlookup
- Indirect
Financial Functionโs
- Pmt
- Rate
- Ppmt
- Ipmt
- Fv
- Pv
- Coupdays
- Coupnum
- Ispmt
- Sln
- Cumprinc
- Cumipmt
- Ddb
- Db
- Received
Database Functionโs
- Daverage
- Dproduct
- Dmin
- Dmax
- Dcount
- Dsum
- Dget
Working with Charts
- Creating a Chart with the 2D or 3D
- Create Column Chart, Pie Chart
- Create Pateros Charts
- Create Speed- O-Meter Chart
- Moving a Chart One to another Sheet
- Resizing a Chart, Changing a Chart Type
- Editing Chart Text, Modifying Chart Options
- Formatting Category & Value Axis Data
- Formatting a Data Series
- Changing a Chartโs Source Data
Format Cells
- Cell Format.
- Data Bars, Color Scales & Icon Sets.
- Sorting basic.
- Sorting based on Customized List.
- Customized Sorting (Advanced).
Conditional Formatting with Rules & Color Scale
- Using Conditional Formatting
- Removing Conditional Formatting
- Format As table
- Create our Styles
- Conditional formatting with formulas
- Conditional formatting with Form Controls.
Data Management with Data Validation
- Data Validation and dealing with Invalid Data.
- Group and Outline Data
- Data Consolidation.
- Data text to column.
- Custom Views
Data Analysis
- Tracing Formula Precedents
- Tracing Cell Dependents
- Error Checking
Summarizing Data by Subtotal With grouping
- Adding Subtotals to a List
- Nesting Subtotals
- Adding Group & Outline Criteria to Ranges
- Using Data Validation
- Text to Column
What โIf Data Analysis
- Using Goal Seek
- Using Data Table
- Creating & Displaying Scenarios
Sorting & Filtering
- Sorting Records in a List
- Using AutoFilter in a List
- Filter & Advance Filter
- Applying Advance Filters
Protecting Excel Workbook & Sheet
- Locking/Unlocking Cells in a worksheet
- Protecting a Worksheet
- Protecting a Workbook
- Creating a Shared Workbook
- Tracking Changes to a Workbook
- Accepting & Rejecting Changes to a Workbook
- Password Protecting a Workbook
- Merging Workbooks
Workgroup Collaboration
- Web Page Preview
- Converting Worksheets into Web Pages
- Inserting Hyperlinks
- Viewing & Editing Comments
Customizing Macro by Action Button
- Creating a Macro with Condition
- Running a Macro, Editing a Macro
- Adding a menu to the Menu Bar
- Adding a Commands to a Menu
- Adding Buttons to a Toolbar
Working with Pivot Table & Pivot Chart
- Creating a Pivot Table
- Rearranging a Pivot Table
- Filtering Pivot Table Data
- Creating a Pivot Chart
Reporting with Payroll Statement
- MIS Report
- Profit & Loss a/c statement
- Balance sheet
- Worker contribution statement
- Cash flow statement
- Debtorโs & Creditors statement
- Inventory statement
- BRS Statement
- Fixed Assets & fund statement
- Payroll Report
- P.F & E.S.I Report
Advance Paste Special Techniques
- Paste Formulaโs, Paste Formats
- Paste Validations
- Transpose Tables
- Paste data
Special Operation
- Find record by drop down list according To condition
- Dash Board
- Working with the Web and External Data
- Inserting a Hyperlink
- Importing Data from an Access Database or Text File
- Importing Data from the Web and Other Sources
- Working with Existing Data Connections
- Speed o Meter
Print Settings
- Page Break
- Print Area
- Print Titles
- Background
Module 2
- Accounting terminology
- Activities and user of Accounting Information
- Assumption of Accounting
- Principal of Accounting
- Accounting cycle and source/Accounting document
- Accounting equation Classification of Account
- Types of Expenditure
- Compound Entry
- Subsidiary book and types of book
- Trial balance & Objectives
- Rectification of Error
- Provision & Reserve
- Inventory & cost for Inventory Valuation
- Suspense Account
- Share capital of company
- Kind of Share, forfeiture of share
- Over Subscription & Pro-rata allotment
- Accounting voucher
- Journal, cash book, ledger and trial balance
- Bills of exchange
- Depreciation
- Bank Reconciliation Statement
- Financial Statements
- Ratio Analysis
- Cash Flow Statement
- MIS Report
- Budget & Types of Budget
- Accounting Standard
Module 3
- Residential Status & Slab rate of Taxes
- Certain Incomes Exempt from Tax
- Income under Head Salary
- Income under the Head House Property
- Profit & Gains from Business & Profession
- Income under the Head Capital Gains
- Income under the head Other Sources
- Clubbing of Income, set off & Carry Forward of losses, Deduction from Gross Total Income.
- Agricultural Income, Illustration on Computation of Total Income & Liability
- Assessment of Firms, Return of Income & Assessment of individual
- TDS/TCS-Types of Forms, return filing
- Tax Deduction of Source, Advance Tax,
- Interest, Refund, Penalty,
- Income Tax-Preparation of Income Tax Return Filing (Manually and E-filling) allotment of PAN, TAN, Advance tax, penalties, complete documentation
- Legal Documentation
- Legal Documentation For GST
Module 4
General Features
- Completely Codeless
- Multi-Company Accounting
- Context-Sensitive On-Line Help
- Flexible Voucher Numbering
- Multiple Voucher Series for each Voucher Type
- Voucher entry while viewing reports and Vice-versa
- User-definable Optional Fields in Masters and Vouchers
- Unlimited level of Grouping of Accounts, Items, Material Centers and Cost Centers
- Option for adding Images & Notes in Account & Item Masters
- Draft Mode Printing for every Report and Document
- Voucher Cancellation
- Powerful Query System
- SQL Query Executor
- Print Preview
- Landscape Mode Printing
- Bird’s Eye View of Account
- Voucher / Master Approval
- Message centre
Financial Accounting
- All books of Accounts & Final Results
- Balance Sheet with various Schedules
- Columnar Account Registers (Configurable)
- Daily / Monthly Summaries of Accounts, Account Groups and Cost Centers
- Bill-wise Outstanding with Ageing Analysis
- Payment Reminder Letters (Configurable)
- Statement of Account (Configurable)
- Handling of Post-dated Cheques
- Broker-wise Reporting
- Royalty Calculation
- Interest Calculation (Multiple Slabs based on Amt. & Days)
- Bank Interest Calculation
- Bank Re-conciliation
- Depreciation Chart (As per Companies Act / IT Act)
- Multi-Currency Accounting
- Cost Centre-wise Reporting
Multi-Location Inventory
- All books of Inventory
- Stock Status (Multi-location)
- Sales / Purchase Challans
- Columnar Inventory Registers (Configurable)
- Stock Valuation on Multiple Methods
- Separate Stock Valuation Method for each Item
- Item Serial No. Tracking
- Stock Ageing Analysis
- Allocation of Expenses to Items
- Daily / Monthly Summaries of Items and Item Groups
- Automatic Round-off in Vouchers
- Primary and Alternate Unit for each Item
- Batch-wise Inventory with Expiry Date
- Provision for Free Qty in Inventory Vouchers
- Provision for entering Sales / Purchase Return in Sales / Purchase Vouchers
- Production / Un-assemble
- BOM / Production Planning
- Critical Level Reporting
- Multiple Price-list for Items
- Multiple Price Structures (Party / Qty / Category-wise)
- Provision to update Item Prices on various Criterion
Sales / Purchase Order Processing
- Pending Sales Orders (Party / Item-wise)
- Pending Purchase Orders (Party / Item-wise)
- Order Cancellation
- Invoice / Challan Generation from Orders
Fully User-Configurable
- Use Plain / Pre-printed Stationery
- Option for Fonts, Colors& Logos
- Option to Print Outer Box, Horizontal & Vertical Lines
- Multiple-taxes in Single Invoice
- Tax Inclusive / MRP Billing
- Point-of-Sale (POS) Billing
- Mfg. Excise Invoicing
- Trading Excise Invoicing
User-Configurable Documents
- Accounting Vouchers
- Purchase Invoice
- Sales Return / Purchase Return Invoice
- Receipt / Payment Advice
- Debit / Credit Note
- Sales / Purchase Order
- Delivery Note / Goods Receipt Note
- Stock Transfer Memo
Sales Tax Reports
- Sales Tax Forms Receivables / Issuable
- Sales Tax Forms Reminder Letters
- Forms Received / Issued Register
- Sales Tax / Purchase Tax Summary
- Sales Tax Surcharge
- Sales Tax Registers
GST Reports
- GST Computation / Summary
- GST Invoicing (Tax / Retail)
- GST Returns (State-wise)
- GST Registers (State-wise)
- Columnar GST Registers (Configurable)
- Party-wise / Item-wise GST Summary
- Party-wise / Item-wise GST Summary
- Sales Re-conciliation as per Accounts and GST
- GST R1
- GST R2
- GST 3B
Service Tax
- Input Service Tax Register
- Output Service Tax Register
- Service Tax Summary
- ST-3 (Service Tax Return)
TDS Reports
- TDS Calculation
- TDS Warning Alarms
- TDS Challans
- TDS Certificate (Form 16-A)
- TDS Return (Form 26-Q)
- Annexures to Form 26-Q
- e-TDS with TDS 27-A
- TDS Audit Report
- TDS Deduction Details Report
Fringe Benefit Tax
- Mark Expenses as FBT
- Expense-wise Taxable Value
- Option to charge FBT on Account Groups
- Fringe Benefit Tax Report
MIS Reports
- Cash Flow / Funds Flow
- Budgets / Targets / Credit Limits
- Ratio Analysis
- Sales / Purchase Analysis on various combinations
- Issue / Receipt Analysis
- Consumption Analysis
- Data Check List
- Profitability Reports (Item / Bill / Party / Batch / MC wise)
- Multi-Company Final Results / Reports
- Data Freezing
- Pop-up Calculator
- Notes / Task Manager
- User-definable Access Rights
Module 5
Introduction of Tally
- Company information
- Create a new company
- Current period, current date
- Company creation (accounts maintain, financial year, security control, tally vault)
- Accounts info
- Group ledger
- Ledger
Book Keeping
- Entries with dr. And cr.
- Using cash account in journal
- Debit & Credit note
- Voucher types
- Select company
- Shut company
- Alter company
- Delete company
- Group company
- Change tally vault
Financial Reports & Consolidate Ledger Accounts
- Balance sheet
- Profit & loss a/c
- Ratio analysis
Fund management with list of account
- Trial balance
- Accounts book
- Statement of account
- Cash/fund flow
- Day book
- List of account
Mode of Invoice Punching/billing
- Bill wise detail with (new reference, against ref, advance, on account)
- Display (statement of a/c
- Bills payable, Receivables
- outstanding ledger, group)
Inventory Management
- Stock group
- Stock item
- Unit of measure
- Voucher entries โgoods in, goods out
- Alternate unit and standard rate
- Opening balance, stock summary
Purchase & Sales Order Processing
- Purchase and sale order
- Create purchase order
- Alter purchase order
- Delete purchase order
- Create sale order
- Alter sale order
- Delete sale order
- How can we do reject in reject our entry & use option
- Delivery note & Receipt note
- Give challan number in item
- How can we do reject in reject our entry & use option
- Delivery note & Receipt note
- Give challan number in item
Internal Report of Finance
- Display (inventory books, day book, list of account)
- Accounts with inventory (balance sheet. P&l a/c, stock summary, ratio display)
Controlling (Cost Center & Cost Categories)
- Cost centre
- Creation of cost centre
- Alteration of cost centre
- Cost categories
- Create cost categories
- Alter cost categories
Multi godown creation
- Godown/location
- Create godown
- Alter godown
- Removing companies
- Copy company
Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)
- Tds
- Transaction of tds
- Ledger for tds
- Payment voucher
- Preparing tds challan
- Deposit of tds to govt
Tax Collected at Source (TCS)
- Understanding TCS
- Creating TCS Masters & Practical Examples
- TCS Payment, Reports, & Forms
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Ledger for GST
- Transaction of GST
- Adjustment of GST
- Payment of GST
Budgets and Controls in Tally
- Budget
- Types of budget
Scenarios and Optional Vouchers
- Creation of scenario
- Alter or display scenario information
Export, Backup and Splitting company data
- Splitting company data
- Steps of splitting
- From tally to excel
- Importing into MS-excel
- Removing companies
- Copy companies
Printing Reports
- Printout of balance sheet, p&l a/c, ledger
- Printing Different Reports
- Sales Invoice
- Currency creation (How to create
- New currency & how to set the price Lists.
Point of Sales
- POS (Point of Sale)
Payroll Accounting Functions
- Payroll (payroll info)
- Employees and salary detail
- Maintain attendance register of employees
- Employees group
- Create attendance type
- Unit of leave (payroll)
Manufacturing Vouchers
- BOM (bill of material)
- Create Item of BOM
- How to create voucher after
- Ledger of BOM
- Transaction of BOM
- Alter of BOM
- After ledger for excise duty
Batch wise Details
- Batchwise Inventory
Interest Calculations
- Interest Calculations
Credit Limit Price List
- Creation of Price level
- Create of Price group
- Maintain Price list on items
Voucher Types and Class
- Voucher Type
- Voucher Class-Sales
- Inclusive Tax Class
- Customer pay their payment
- How to create voucher with discount & freight charg
Module 6 – E-Filing
GST Forms
- GSTR-1
- GSTR-2
- GSTR-3
- GSTR-4
- GSTR-5
- GSTR-6
- GSTR-7
- GSTR-8
Income Tax Return Forms
- ITR-1
- ITR-2
- ITR-3
- ITR-4
- ITR-5
- TDS/TCS Challan
- TDS 24Q
- TDS 26Q
- TCS 27EQ